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According to the unanimous opinion of the international experts, the Hungarian performers and the organisers, the five-day-long platform held in mid-November in Budapest proved to be a useful and successful initiative.

A total of eighty guests registered from abroad and travelled to Budapest to immerse themselves in the exceptionally packed program that featured some thirty artists and companies.

The artists of the independent Hungarian theatre and dance scene have been waiting for a long time for the opportunity to show their work. Now that it became possible, they made the most of it and were present in large numbers at both the panel discussions and the informal evening programmes at the platform’s club.

Considering the facts that several hundreds of people visited Akku daily, the artists performed to full houses and the press followed the events all the way through, we may say that dunaPart has reached its primal goals:

·         it gave an overall picture of an existing and functioning Hungarian performing arts sphere, which is searching for its own forms of expression and working conditions outside the official establishment.

·         based on a common experience it provided an opportunity for interaction between Hungarian and international professionals, artists and managers, mediators and journalists.

·         it created an international context, in which tendencies and shortcomings, local and global values could take shape, and thus it helped to form a more realistic self-image and it acts as a motivational force.

Of course we also hope that several of the performances we saw at the platform will receive the opportunity to prove their worth on international stages, and that the experiments of the Hungarian performing arts will thus gain more attention and interest.

If we could contribute to this by organising yet another platform in 2010, we will make sure to be in touch with you as soon as possible.

In the meantime, please, keep visiting our website, which, from now on, will also serve as a database of the participating artists. The draft of the final evaluative discussion will soon be available there as well.

We wish to thank our sponsors, partners, volunteers, the performing artists and everyone, who joined us over the past few months, whether from a distance or personally.

Our colleagues at Trafó and Krétakör will be happy to answer any further questions you should have. On behalf of the organisers we now say goodbye. 

Best regards,
György Szabó and Máté

Co.ffein Projects
16th November, Sunday 07.00 PM
Tram stop, Nyugati Square